How to become a member of Edinna
Information for new members

According to the EDINNA Articles of Association, there are two types of memberships of EDINNA.

The regular Membership and the associated Membership.

The Membership offers insitutes the possibility to actively contribute to the working programme of EDINNA and to join all meetings organised.


Article 3 of the Articles of Association stipulates that any reputable, accredited educational or training institute for professional personnel in the field of shipping on inland waterways which is registered and has its headquarters in a state of the European Union may join EDINNA. In special circumstances exceptions from those requirements are possible by a decision of the General Assembly.

The EDINNA General Assembly voted on a yearly fee for:

Regular membership of € 300,– per institute.

Associated membership of € 200,– per institute.

Memorandum of Understanding:

MOU – Memorandum of Understanding (PDF download) [35 KB]

Articles of the association:

Articles of the association (PDF download) [833 KB]

Application forms membership:

Application for Membership

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